Making the choice of the ideas of “human for business?” or “business for human?” and improve the quality of human resources.

Human Resources Consultancy

Recruitment of personnel suitable for the job, improvement of their performance, and reduction of their stress level.

Performing and evaluating psychometric measurements of hired personnel during and after the recruitment process.


Consultancy for Family Corporations

Establishing working principles, forming a management style, sharing powers and responsibilities in family companies founded many years ago or has just been established. Creating a Family Constitution.

Sales Marketing - Sales

Brand creation

Conducting market research

Establishing a dealer network and supervising dealers


IBAL Education

Training all company managers and units from A to Z in all consultancy services we provide

Corporate Consultancy

It is a service that enables fast-growing companies with increasing number of personnel to identify management and operating problems and perform the necessary analyses and evaluate the opportunities.

Institutionalization is the management of a company in a specific system without depending on the initiatives and methods of the managers and employees.


Management Consultancy

Analyzing the needs and condition of the company in the best way.

Ensuring sustainable success for the company.

Setting the company's future goals.

Ensuring working discipline and success.

Determining the capital needs of the company.


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